Local Time in Claymont

Local Time in Claymont, Delaware, United States 🇺🇸   Tuesday, 15 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country United States 🇺🇸
City Delaware
Time Zone America/New_York
Time Zone Name Eastern Standard Time
Abbreviation EST
GMT UTC-05:00
GMT Offset -18000

What time is it in Claymont, Delaware, United States right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Claymont, which includes the day of the week and date. Claymont, United States, is situated in the UTC-05:00 (America/New_York) time zone, making it 5 hours back of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT-05. The current local time in Claymont is 00:28, Tuesday, 15 October, 2024.

Claymont Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Claymont

Sunrise 07:11
Sunset 18:23
Day Lenght 11:11

Claymont, United States Daylight Saving Time

Sunday, 03 November, 2024 +1 hour (EST) Time change from 01:00 am to 02:00
Sunday, 09 March, 2025 -1 hour (EDT) Time change from 03:00 am to 02:00

Time Difference Claymont to Major World Cities

United States, Claymont Geolocation Data

Region Americas
Subregion Northern America
Country United States 🇺🇸
Capital City Washington
Latitude 39.80067000
Longitude -75.45964000
UTM Coordinate X 460651.34651296
UTM Coordinate Y 4405734.9520348
Coordinates North 39° 48' 2.412" N
Coordinates East -75° 27' 34.704" E
Claymont Map
Claymont Map

Major cities in the vicinity of Claymont (Delaware)

Current local times in United States states
State Type Time
ND Local time in North Dakota State Mon 23:28
UM-67 Local time in Johnston Atoll Islands / groups of islands Mon 18:28
PA Local time in Pennsylvania State Tue 00:28
KY Local time in Kentucky State Tue 00:28
VA Local time in Virginia State Tue 00:28
OH Local time in Ohio State Tue 00:28
WI Local time in Wisconsin State Mon 23:28
HI Local time in Hawaii State Mon 18:28
ID Local time in Idaho State Mon 22:28
GA Local time in Georgia State Tue 00:28
Claymont to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in Argentina America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires Tue 01:28
Local time in Palau Pacific/Palau Tue 13:28
Local time in Slovenia Europe/Ljubljana Tue 06:28
Local time in Georgia Asia/Tbilisi Tue 08:28
Local time in Zimbabwe Africa/Harare Tue 06:28
Local time in Paraguay America/Asuncion Tue 01:28
Local time in Mexico America/Mexico_City Mon 22:28
Local time in Martinique America/Martinique Tue 00:28
Local time in New Caledonia Pacific/Noumea Tue 15:28
Local time in Czech Republic Europe/Prague Tue 06:28