Local Time in London

Local Time in London, England, United Kingdom 🇬🇧   Tuesday, 15 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country United Kingdom 🇬🇧
City England
Time Zone Europe/London
Time Zone Name Greenwich Mean Time
Abbreviation GMT
GMT Offset 0

What time is it in London, England, United Kingdom right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in London, which includes the day of the week and date. London, United Kingdom, is situated in the UTC±00 (Europe/London) time zone, making it 0 hours back of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT±0. The current local time in London is 05:22, Tuesday, 15 October, 2024.

London Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for London

Sunrise 07:23
Sunset 18:08
Day Lenght 10:44

London, United Kingdom Daylight Saving Time

Sunday, 27 October, 2024 +1 hour (GMT) Time change from 01:00 am to 02:00
Sunday, 30 March, 2025 -1 hour (BST) Time change from 02:00 am to 01:00

Time Difference London to Major World Cities

United Kingdom, London Geolocation Data

Region Europe
Subregion Northern Europe
Country United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Capital City London
Latitude 51.50853000
Longitude -0.12574000
UTM Coordinate X 699454.22385551
UTM Coordinate Y 5710295.0080227
Coordinates North 51° 30' 30.708" N
Coordinates East -0° 7' 32.664" E
London Map
London Map

Major cities in the vicinity of London (England)

Current local times in United Kingdom states
State Type Time
WOK Local time in Wokingham N/A Tuesday 05:22
ANT Local time in Antrim N/A Tuesday 05:22
KEC Local time in Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea N/A Tuesday 05:22
OLD Local time in Oldham N/A Tuesday 05:22
BST Local time in City of Bristol N/A Tuesday 05:22
WRX Local time in Wrexham County Borough N/A Tuesday 05:22
MON Local time in Monmouthshire N/A Tuesday 05:22
VGL Local time in Vale of Glamorgan N/A Tuesday 05:22
PLY Local time in City of Plymouth N/A Tuesday 05:22
BDF Local time in Bedford N/A Tuesday 05:22
London to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in Bhutan Asia/Thimphu Tue 10:22
Local time in Tonga Pacific/Tongatapu Tue 17:22
Local time in Nepal Asia/Kathmandu Tue 10:07
Local time in Thailand Asia/Bangkok Tue 11:22
Local time in Costa Rica America/Costa_Rica Mon 22:22
Local time in Canada America/St_Johns Tue 01:52
Local time in Indonesia Asia/Jakarta Tue 11:22
Local time in Guyana America/Guyana Tue 00:22
Local time in Brunei Asia/Brunei Tue 12:22
Local time in Venezuela America/Caracas Tue 00:22