Local Time in Ben Arous Governorate

Local Time in Ben Arous Governorate, Tunisia 🇹🇳   Tuesday, 15 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country Tunisia 🇹🇳
City Ben Arous Governorate
Time Zone Africa/Tunis
Time Zone Name Central European Time
Abbreviation CET
GMT UTC+01:00
GMT Offset 3600

What time is it in Ben Arous Governorate, Tunisia right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Ben Arous Governorate, which includes the day of the week and date. Ben Arous Governorate, Tunisia, is situated in the UTC+01:00 (Africa/Tunis) time zone, making it 1 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+01. The current local time in Ben Arous Governorate is 04:47, Tuesday, 15 October, 2024.

Ben Arous Governorate Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Ben Arous Governorate

Sunrise 06:25
Sunset 17:43
Day Lenght 11:18

Ben Arous Governorate, Tunisia Daylight Saving Time

Time Difference Ben Arous Governorate to Major World Cities

Tunisia, Ben Arous Governorate Geolocation Data

Region Africa
Subregion Northern Africa
Country Tunisia 🇹🇳
Capital City Tunis
Latitude 36.64356060
Longitude 10.21515780
UTM Coordinate X 608624.90960521
UTM Coordinate Y 4056020.1227083
Coordinates North 36° 38' 36.818" N
Coordinates East 10° 12' 54.568" E
Ben Arous Governorate Map
Ben Arous Governorate Map
Current Local Time in Locations in Ben Arous Governorate
Other States in Tunisia 🇹🇳
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