Local Time in Nueva Vizcaya

Local Time in Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines 🇵🇭   Thursday, 10 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country Philippines 🇵🇭
City Nueva Vizcaya
Time Zone Asia/Manila
Time Zone Name Philippine Time
Abbreviation PHT
GMT UTC+08:00
GMT Offset 28800

What time is it in Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Nueva Vizcaya, which includes the day of the week and date. Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines, is situated in the UTC+08:00 (Asia/Manila) time zone, making it 8 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+08. The current local time in Nueva Vizcaya is 10:07, Thursday, 10 October, 2024.

Nueva Vizcaya Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Nueva Vizcaya

Sunrise 05:45
Sunset 17:38
Day Lenght 11:53

Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines Daylight Saving Time

Time Difference Nueva Vizcaya to Major World Cities

Philippines, Nueva Vizcaya Geolocation Data

Region Asia
Subregion South-Eastern Asia
Country Philippines 🇵🇭
Capital City Manila
Latitude 16.33011070
Longitude 121.17103890
UTM Coordinate X 304612.96747252
UTM Coordinate Y 1806327.9949705
Coordinates North 16° 19' 48.399" N
Coordinates East 121° 10' 15.74" E
Nueva Vizcaya Map
Nueva Vizcaya Map
Current Local Time in Locations in Nueva Vizcaya
City Time
State not found! N/A
Other States in Philippines 🇵🇭
State Type Time
06 Local time in Western Visayas N/A Thursday 10:07
AGN Local time in Agusan del Norte N/A Thursday 10:07
CAG Local time in Cagayan N/A Thursday 10:07
CAS Local time in Camarines Sur N/A Thursday 10:07
SOR Local time in Sorsogon N/A Thursday 10:07
12 Local time in Soccsksargen N/A Thursday 10:07
BTG Local time in Batangas N/A Thursday 10:07
BAS Local time in Basilan N/A Thursday 10:07
ZMB Local time in Zambales N/A Thursday 10:07
MAD Local time in Marinduque N/A Thursday 10:07
Nueva Vizcaya to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in Sweden Europe/Stockholm Thu 04:07
Local time in Tanzania Africa/Dar_es_Salaam Thu 05:07
Local time in French Guiana America/Cayenne Wed 23:07
Local time in Grenada America/Grenada Wed 22:07
Local time in Andorra Europe/Andorra Thu 04:07
Local time in Kenya Africa/Nairobi Thu 05:07
Local time in Barbados America/Barbados Wed 22:07
Local time in Romania Europe/Bucharest Thu 05:07
Local time in Uruguay America/Montevideo Wed 23:07
Local time in Equatorial Guinea Africa/Malabo Thu 03:07