Local Time in Vrapčište Municipality

Local Time in Vrapčište Municipality, Macedonia 🇲🇰   Thursday, 10 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country Macedonia 🇲🇰
City Vrapčište Municipality
Time Zone Europe/Skopje
Time Zone Name Central European Time
Abbreviation CET
GMT UTC+01:00
GMT Offset 3600

What time is it in Vrapčište Municipality, Macedonia right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Vrapčište Municipality, which includes the day of the week and date. Vrapčište Municipality, Macedonia, is situated in the UTC+01:00 (Europe/Skopje) time zone, making it 1 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+01. The current local time in Vrapčište Municipality is 03:48, Thursday, 10 October, 2024.

Vrapčište Municipality Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Vrapčište Municipality

Sunrise 06:42
Sunset 18:04
Day Lenght 11:22

Vrapčište Municipality, Macedonia Daylight Saving Time

Sunday, 27 October, 2024 +1 hour (CET) Time change from 02:00 am to 03:00
Sunday, 30 March, 2025 -1 hour (CEST) Time change from 03:00 am to 02:00

Time Difference Vrapčište Municipality to Major World Cities

Macedonia, Vrapčište Municipality Geolocation Data

Region Europe
Subregion Southern Europe
Country Macedonia 🇲🇰
Capital City Skopje
Latitude 41.87911600
Longitude 20.83145000
UTM Coordinate X 486014.6996252
UTM Coordinate Y 4636368.4865112
Coordinates North 41° 52' 44.818" N
Coordinates East 20° 49' 53.22" E
Vrapčište Municipality Map
Vrapčište Municipality Map
Current Local Time in Locations in Vrapčište Municipality
City Time
Local time in Dobri Dol Thursday 03:48
Local time in Negotino Thursday 03:48
Local time in Vrapčište Thursday 03:48
Other States in Macedonia 🇲🇰
Vrapčište Municipality to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in South Africa Africa/Johannesburg Thu 03:48
Local time in Antigua and Barbuda America/Antigua Wed 21:48
Local time in Myanmar Asia/Rangoon Thu 08:18
Local time in Brazil America/Noronha Wed 23:48
Local time in Malaysia Asia/Kuala_Lumpur Thu 09:48
Local time in Northern Mariana Islands Pacific/Saipan Thu 11:48
Local time in Réunion Indian/Reunion Thu 05:48
Local time in Ukraine Europe/Kiev Thu 04:48
Local time in Solomon Islands Pacific/Guadalcanal Thu 12:48
Local time in Svalbard and Jan Mayen Arctic/Longyearbyen Thu 03:48