Local Time in Gangneung-si

Local Time in Gangneung-si, Gangwon Province, South Korea 🇰🇷   Tuesday, 15 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country South Korea 🇰🇷
City Gangwon Province
Time Zone Asia/Seoul
Time Zone Name Korea Standard Time
Abbreviation KST
GMT UTC+09:00
GMT Offset 32400

What time is it in Gangneung-si, Gangwon Province, South Korea right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Gangneung-si, which includes the day of the week and date. Gangneung-si, South Korea, is situated in the UTC+09:00 (Asia/Seoul) time zone, making it 9 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+09. The current local time in Gangneung-si is 12:05, Tuesday, 15 October, 2024.

Gangneung-si Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Gangneung-si

Sunrise 06:31
Sunset 17:48
Day Lenght 11:17

Gangneung-si, South Korea Daylight Saving Time

Time Difference Gangneung-si to Major World Cities

South Korea, Gangneung-si Geolocation Data

Region Asia
Subregion Eastern Asia
Country South Korea 🇰🇷
Capital City Seoul
Latitude 37.75190000
Longitude 128.87825000
UTM Coordinate X 489274.76166313
UTM Coordinate Y 4178295.3675175
Coordinates North 37° 45' 6.84" N
Coordinates East 128° 52' 41.7" E
Gangneung-si Map
Gangneung-si Map

Major cities in the vicinity of Gangneung-si (Gangwon Province)

Current local times in South Korea states
State Type Time
50 Local time in Sejong City N/A Tuesday 12:05
45 Local time in North Jeolla Province N/A Tuesday 12:05
29 Local time in Gwangju N/A Tuesday 12:05
46 Local time in South Jeolla Province N/A Tuesday 12:05
47 Local time in North Gyeongsang Province N/A Tuesday 12:05
27 Local time in Daegu N/A Tuesday 12:05
48 Local time in South Gyeongsang Province N/A Tuesday 12:05
43 Local time in North Chungcheong Province N/A Tuesday 12:05
30 Local time in Daejeon N/A Tuesday 12:05
11 Local time in Seoul N/A Tuesday 12:05
Gangneung-si to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in Palau Pacific/Palau Tue 12:05
Local time in United States Minor Outlying Islands Pacific/Johnston Mon 17:05
Local time in Montenegro Europe/Podgorica Tue 05:05
Local time in Liberia Africa/Monrovia Tue 03:05
Local time in Italy Europe/Rome Tue 05:05
Local time in Isle of Man Europe/Isle_of_Man Tue 04:05
Local time in Mali Africa/Bamako Tue 03:05
Local time in Macedonia Europe/Skopje Tue 05:05
Local time in Lithuania Europe/Vilnius Tue 06:05
Local time in Nauru Pacific/Nauru Tue 15:05