Local Time in Musan-ŭp

Local Time in Musan-ŭp, North Hamgyong Province, North Korea 🇰🇵   Thursday, 10 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country North Korea 🇰🇵
City North Hamgyong Province
Time Zone Asia/Pyongyang
Time Zone Name Korea Standard Time
Abbreviation KST
GMT UTC+09:00
GMT Offset 32400

What time is it in Musan-ŭp, North Hamgyong Province, North Korea right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Musan-ŭp, which includes the day of the week and date. Musan-ŭp, North Korea, is situated in the UTC+09:00 (Asia/Pyongyang) time zone, making it 9 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+09. The current local time in Musan-ŭp is 11:11, Thursday, 10 October, 2024.

Musan-ŭp Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Musan-ŭp

Sunrise 06:28
Sunset 17:51
Day Lenght 11:22

Musan-ŭp, North Korea Daylight Saving Time

Time Difference Musan-ŭp to Major World Cities

North Korea, Musan-ŭp Geolocation Data

Region Asia
Subregion Eastern Asia
Country North Korea 🇰🇵
Capital City Pyongyang
Latitude 42.22609000
Longitude 129.20776000
UTM Coordinate X 517145.15116592
UTM Coordinate Y 4674900.1254056
Coordinates North 42° 13' 33.924" N
Coordinates East 129° 12' 27.936" E
Musan-ŭp Map
Musan-ŭp Map

Major cities in the vicinity of Musan-ŭp (North Hamgyong Province)

Current local times in North Korea states
State Type Time
04 Local time in Chagang Province N/A Thursday 11:11
01 Local time in Pyongyang N/A Thursday 11:11
10 Local time in Ryanggang Province N/A Thursday 11:11
13 Local time in Rason N/A Thursday 11:11
02 Local time in South Pyongan Province N/A Thursday 11:11
07 Local time in Kangwon Province N/A Thursday 11:11
03 Local time in North Pyongan Province N/A Thursday 11:11
08 Local time in South Hamgyong Province N/A Thursday 11:11
06 Local time in North Hwanghae Province N/A Thursday 11:11
05 Local time in South Hwanghae Province N/A Thursday 11:11
Musan-ŭp to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in Sierra Leone Africa/Freetown Thu 02:11
Local time in Tajikistan Asia/Dushanbe Thu 07:11
Local time in France Europe/Paris Thu 04:11
Local time in Bosnia and Herzegovina Europe/Sarajevo Thu 04:11
Local time in Japan Asia/Tokyo Thu 11:11
Local time in Saint Pierre and Miquelon America/Miquelon Thu 00:11
Local time in Andorra Europe/Andorra Thu 04:11
Local time in Moldova Europe/Chisinau Thu 05:11
Local time in Hungary Europe/Budapest Thu 04:11
Local time in Germany Europe/Berlin Thu 04:11