Local Time in Beirut Governorate

Local Time in Beirut Governorate, Lebanon 🇱🇧   Tuesday, 15 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country Lebanon 🇱🇧
City Beirut Governorate
Time Zone Asia/Beirut
Time Zone Name Eastern European Time
Abbreviation EET
GMT UTC+02:00
GMT Offset 7200

What time is it in Beirut Governorate, Lebanon right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Beirut Governorate, which includes the day of the week and date. Beirut Governorate, Lebanon, is situated in the UTC+02:00 (Asia/Beirut) time zone, making it 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+02. The current local time in Beirut Governorate is 06:06, Tuesday, 15 October, 2024.

Beirut Governorate Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Beirut Governorate

Sunrise 06:42
Sunset 18:05
Day Lenght 11:23

Beirut Governorate, Lebanon Daylight Saving Time

Saturday, 26 October, 2024 +1 hour (EET) Time change from 11:00 pm to 00:00
Sunday, 30 March, 2025 -1 hour (EEST) Time change from 01:00 am to 00:00

Time Difference Beirut Governorate to Major World Cities

Lebanon, Beirut Governorate Geolocation Data

Region Asia
Subregion Western Asia
Country Lebanon 🇱🇧
Capital City Beirut
Latitude 33.88861060
Longitude 35.49547720
UTM Coordinate X 730780.09217153
UTM Coordinate Y 3752608.7655815
Coordinates North 33° 53' 18.998" N
Coordinates East 35° 29' 43.718" E
Beirut Governorate Map
Beirut Governorate Map
Current Local Time in Locations in Beirut Governorate
City Time
Local time in Beirut Tuesday 06:06
Local time in Ra’s Bayrūt Tuesday 06:06
Other States in Lebanon 🇱🇧
State Type Time
AS Local time in North Governorate Governorate Tuesday 06:06
JA Local time in South Governorate Governorate Tuesday 06:06
JL Local time in Mount Lebanon Governorate Governorate Tuesday 06:06
BH Local time in Baalbek-Hermel Governorate Governorate Tuesday 06:06
BI Local time in Beqaa Governorate Governorate Tuesday 06:06
NA Local time in Nabatieh Governorate Governorate Tuesday 06:06
AK Local time in Akkar Governorate Governorate Tuesday 06:06
Beirut Governorate to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in Tonga Pacific/Tongatapu Tue 16:06
Local time in Mexico America/Mexico_City Mon 21:06
Local time in Nepal Asia/Kathmandu Tue 08:51
Local time in Belarus Europe/Minsk Tue 06:06
Local time in American Samoa Pacific/Pago_Pago Mon 16:06
Local time in Solomon Islands Pacific/Guadalcanal Tue 14:06
Local time in Angola Africa/Luanda Tue 04:06
Local time in Belize America/Belize Mon 21:06
Local time in Wallis and Futuna Pacific/Wallis Tue 15:06
Local time in San Marino Europe/San_Marino Tue 05:06