Local Time in Atlántida Department
Country | Honduras 🇭🇳 |
City | Atlántida Department |
Time Zone | America/Tegucigalpa |
Time Zone Name | Central Standard Time |
Abbreviation | CST |
GMT | UTC-06:00 |
GMT Offset | -21600 |
What time is it in Atlántida Department, Honduras right now?
Stay updated with the current local time in Atlántida Department, which includes the day of the week and date. Atlántida Department, Honduras, is situated in the UTC-06:00 (America/Tegucigalpa) time zone, making it 6 hours back of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT-06. The current local time in Atlántida Department is 22:28, Monday, 14 October, 2024.
Atlántida Department Time Widget
Sunrise, sunset times for Atlántida Department
Sunrise 05:39
Sunset 17:29
Day Lenght 11:49
Atlántida Department, Honduras Daylight Saving Time
Time Difference Atlántida Department to Major World Cities
- Los Angeles US21:28 (-1h)
- New York US00:28 (+2h)
- London GB05:28 (+7h)
- Paris FR06:28 (+8h)
- Istanbul TR07:28 (+9h)
- New Delhi IN09:58 (+11.5h)
- Shanghai CN12:28 (+14h)
- Moscow RU07:28 (+9h)
- Tokyo JP13:28 (+15h)
- Sydney AU15:28 (+17h)
Honduras, Atlántida Department Geolocation Data
Region | Americas |
Subregion | Central America |
Country | Honduras 🇭🇳 |
Capital City | Tegucigalpa |
Latitude | 15.66962830 |
Longitude | -87.14228950 |
UTM Coordinate X | 484751.44616807 |
UTM Coordinate Y | 1732397.1716025 |
Coordinates North | 15° 40' 10.662" N |
Coordinates East | -87° 8' 32.242" E |
Current Local Time in Locations in Atlántida Department
City | Time |
Local time in Arizona | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in Atenas de San Cristóbal | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in Corozal | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in El Pino | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in El Porvenir | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in El Triunfo de la Cruz | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in Esparta | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in Jutiapa | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in La Ceiba | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in La Masica | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in La Unión | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in Mezapa | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in Nueva Armenia | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in Sambo Creek | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in San Antonio | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in San Francisco | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in San Juan Pueblo | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in Santa Ana | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in Tela | Monday 22:28 |
Local time in Tornabé | Monday 22:28 |
Other States in Honduras 🇭🇳
№ | State | Type | Time |
EP | Local time in El Paraíso Department | Department | Monday 22:28 |
CM | Local time in Comayagua Department | Department | Monday 22:28 |
YO | Local time in Yoro Department | Department | Monday 22:28 |
IB | Local time in Bay Islands Department | Department | Monday 22:28 |
IN | Local time in Intibucá Department | Department | Monday 22:28 |
LP | Local time in La Paz Department | Department | Monday 22:28 |
SB | Local time in Santa Bárbara Department | Department | Monday 22:28 |
CH | Local time in Choluteca Department | Department | Monday 22:28 |
FM | Local time in Francisco Morazán Department | Department | Monday 22:28 |
OC | Local time in Ocotepeque Department | Department | Monday 22:28 |
Atlántida Department to Other Countries
Country | Timezone | Time |
Local time in Cameroon | Africa/Douala | Tue 05:28 |
Local time in Pakistan | Asia/Karachi | Tue 09:28 |
Local time in Guyana | America/Guyana | Tue 00:28 |
Local time in Kazakhstan | Asia/Almaty | Tue 09:28 |
Local time in Jordan | Asia/Amman | Tue 07:28 |
Local time in South Sudan | Africa/Juba | Tue 06:28 |
Local time in American Samoa | Pacific/Pago_Pago | Mon 17:28 |
Local time in Marshall Islands | Pacific/Majuro | Tue 16:28 |
Local time in Gabon | Africa/Libreville | Tue 05:28 |
Local time in Albania | Europe/Tirane | Tue 06:28 |