Local Time in Golmud

Local Time in Golmud, Qinghai, China 🇨🇳   Tuesday, 15 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country China 🇨🇳
City Qinghai
Time Zone Asia/Shanghai
Time Zone Name China Standard Time
Abbreviation CST
GMT UTC+08:00
GMT Offset 28800

What time is it in Golmud, Qinghai, China right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Golmud, which includes the day of the week and date. Golmud, China, is situated in the UTC+08:00 (Asia/Shanghai) time zone, making it 8 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+08. The current local time in Golmud is 11:16, Tuesday, 15 October, 2024.

Golmud Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Golmud

Sunrise 07:46
Sunset 19:05
Day Lenght 11:19

Golmud, China Daylight Saving Time

Time Difference Golmud to Major World Cities

China, Golmud Geolocation Data

Region Asia
Subregion Eastern Asia
Country China 🇨🇳
Capital City Beijing
Latitude 36.40672000
Longitude 94.90061000
UTM Coordinate X 670422.88455758
UTM Coordinate Y 4030739.1773043
Coordinates North 36° 24' 24.192" N
Coordinates East 94° 54' 2.196" E
Golmud Map
Golmud Map

Major districts in the vicinity of Golmud (Qinghai)

Current local times in China cities
City Type Time
JX Local time in Jiangxi Province Tue 11:16
TW Local time in Taiwan Province Tue 11:16
NM Local time in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region Tue 11:16
MO Local time in Macau SAR Special administrative region Tue 11:16
GZ Local time in Guizhou Province Tue 11:16
BJ Local time in Beijing Municipality Tue 12:16
HB Local time in Hubei Province Tue 11:16
XJ Local time in Xinjiang Autonomous region Tue 09:16
HK Local time in Hong Kong SAR Special administrative region Tue 11:16
SX Local time in Shanxi Province Tue 11:16
Golmud to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in India Asia/Kolkata Tue 08:46
Local time in South Georgia Atlantic/South_Georgia Tue 01:16
Local time in Saint Martin America/Marigot Mon 23:16
Local time in Senegal Africa/Dakar Tue 03:16
Local time in Northern Mariana Islands Pacific/Saipan Tue 13:16
Local time in Macau Asia/Macau Tue 11:16
Local time in Vatican City Europe/Vatican Tue 05:16
Local time in Greenland America/Godthab Tue 02:16
Local time in Honduras America/Tegucigalpa Mon 21:16
Local time in Vietnam Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh Tue 10:16