Local Time in Yerazgavors
Country | Armenia 🇦🇲 |
City | Shirak Region |
Time Zone | Asia/Yerevan |
Time Zone Name | Armenia Time |
Abbreviation | AMT |
GMT | UTC+04:00 |
GMT Offset | 14400 |
What time is it in Yerazgavors, Shirak Region, Armenia right now?
Stay updated with the current local time in Yerazgavors, which includes the day of the week and date. Yerazgavors, Armenia, is situated in the UTC+04:00 (Asia/Yerevan) time zone, making it 4 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+04. The current local time in Yerazgavors is 07:22, Tuesday, 15 October, 2024.
Yerazgavors Time Widget
Sunrise, sunset times for Yerazgavors
Sunrise 07:15
Sunset 18:26
Day Lenght 11:10
Yerazgavors, Armenia Daylight Saving Time
Time Difference Yerazgavors to Major World Cities
- Los Angeles US20:22 (-11h)
- New York US23:22 (-8h)
- London GB04:22 (-3h)
- Paris FR05:22 (-2h)
- Istanbul TR06:22 (-1h)
- New Delhi IN08:52 (+1.5h)
- Shanghai CN11:22 (+4h)
- Moscow RU06:22 (-1h)
- Tokyo JP12:22 (+5h)
- Sydney AU14:22 (+7h)
Armenia, Yerazgavors Geolocation Data
Region | Asia |
Subregion | Western Asia |
Country | Armenia 🇦🇲 |
Capital City | Yerevan |
Latitude | 40.69505000 |
Longitude | 43.74722000 |
UTM Coordinate X | 394153.89906289 |
UTM Coordinate Y | 4505660.1945225 |
Coordinates North | 40° 41' 42.18" N |
Coordinates East | 43° 44' 49.992" E |
Major cities in the vicinity of Yerazgavors (Shirak Region)
City | Time |
Local time in Akhuryan | Tuesday 07:22 |
Local time in Amasia | Tuesday 07:22 |
Local time in Anushavan | Tuesday 07:22 |
Local time in Arevik | Tuesday 07:22 |
Local time in Arevshat | Tuesday 07:22 |
Local time in Arrap’i | Tuesday 07:22 |
Local time in Azatan | Tuesday 07:22 |
Local time in Basen | Tuesday 07:22 |
Local time in Dzit’hank’ov | Tuesday 07:22 |
Local time in Gyumri | Tuesday 07:22 |
Current local times in Armenia states
№ | State | Type | Time |
GR | Local time in Gegharkunik Province | N/A | Tuesday 07:22 |
VD | Local time in Vayots Dzor Region | N/A | Tuesday 07:22 |
AV | Local time in Armavir Region | N/A | Tuesday 07:22 |
LO | Local time in Lori Region | N/A | Tuesday 07:22 |
AR | Local time in Ararat Province | N/A | Tuesday 07:22 |
ER | Local time in Yerevan | N/A | Tuesday 07:22 |
KT | Local time in Kotayk Region | N/A | Tuesday 07:22 |
AG | Local time in Aragatsotn Region | N/A | Tuesday 07:22 |
TV | Local time in Tavush Region | N/A | Tuesday 07:22 |
SU | Local time in Syunik Province | N/A | Tuesday 07:22 |
Yerazgavors to Other Countries
Country | Timezone | Time |
Local time in Liechtenstein | Europe/Vaduz | Tue 05:22 |
Local time in Belgium | Europe/Brussels | Tue 05:22 |
Local time in El Salvador | America/El_Salvador | Mon 21:22 |
Local time in Gambia | Africa/Banjul | Tue 03:22 |
Local time in Guernsey and Alderney | Europe/Guernsey | Tue 04:22 |
Local time in Kenya | Africa/Nairobi | Tue 06:22 |
Local time in South Sudan | Africa/Juba | Tue 05:22 |
Local time in Kosovo | Europe/Belgrade | Tue 05:22 |
Local time in Lesotho | Africa/Maseru | Tue 05:22 |
Local time in Finland | Europe/Helsinki | Tue 06:22 |