Local Time in San Vicente Ferrer
What time is it in San Vicente Ferrer, Antioquia, Colombia right now?
Stay updated with the current local time in San Vicente Ferrer, which includes the day of the week and date. San Vicente Ferrer, Colombia, is situated in the UTC-05:00 (America/Bogota) time zone, making it 5 hours back of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT-05. The current local time in San Vicente Ferrer is 21:42, Monday, 14 October, 2024.
San Vicente Ferrer Time Widget
Sunrise, sunset times for San Vicente Ferrer
Sunrise 05:46
Sunset 17:47
Day Lenght 12:01
San Vicente Ferrer, Colombia Daylight Saving Time
Time Difference San Vicente Ferrer to Major World Cities
- Los Angeles US19:42 (-2h)
- New York US22:42 (+1h)
- London GB03:42 (+6h)
- Paris FR04:42 (+7h)
- Istanbul TR05:42 (+8h)
- New Delhi IN08:12 (+10.5h)
- Shanghai CN10:42 (+13h)
- Moscow RU05:42 (+8h)
- Tokyo JP11:42 (+14h)
- Sydney AU13:42 (+16h)
Colombia, San Vicente Ferrer Geolocation Data
Region | Americas |
Subregion | South America |
Country | Colombia 🇨🇴 |
Capital City | Bogotá |
Latitude | 6.32237000 |
Longitude | -75.33020000 |
UTM Coordinate X | 463478.79572292 |
UTM Coordinate Y | 698851.85010213 |
Coordinates North | 6° 19' 20.532" N |
Coordinates East | -75° 19' 48.72" E |
Major cities in the vicinity of San Vicente Ferrer (Antioquia)
City | Time |
Local time in Abejorral | Monday 21:42 |
Local time in Abriaquí | Monday 21:42 |
Local time in Alejandría | Monday 21:42 |
Local time in Amagá | Monday 21:42 |
Local time in Amalfi | Monday 21:42 |
Local time in Andes | Monday 21:42 |
Local time in Angelópolis | Monday 21:42 |
Local time in Angostura | Monday 21:42 |
Local time in Anorí | Monday 21:42 |
Local time in Anza | Monday 21:42 |
Current local times in Colombia states
№ | State | Type | Time |
HUI | Local time in Huila | Department | Monday 21:42 |
NSA | Local time in Norte de Santander | N/A | Monday 21:42 |
AMA | Local time in Amazonas | N/A | Monday 21:42 |
SUC | Local time in Sucre | N/A | Monday 21:42 |
CAQ | Local time in Caquetá | N/A | Monday 21:42 |
CAS | Local time in Casanare | N/A | Monday 21:42 |
GUA | Local time in Guainía | N/A | Monday 21:42 |
CES | Local time in Cesar | N/A | Monday 21:42 |
VAC | Local time in Valle del Cauca | N/A | Monday 21:42 |
CAU | Local time in Cauca | N/A | Monday 21:42 |
San Vicente Ferrer to Other Countries
Country | Timezone | Time |
Local time in Guatemala | America/Guatemala | Mon 20:42 |
Local time in Kenya | Africa/Nairobi | Tue 05:42 |
Local time in China | Asia/Shanghai | Tue 10:42 |
Local time in Curaçao | America/Curacao | Mon 22:42 |
Local time in Sri Lanka | Asia/Colombo | Tue 08:12 |
Local time in Madagascar | Indian/Antananarivo | Tue 05:42 |
Local time in Oman | Asia/Muscat | Tue 06:42 |
Local time in Turkmenistan | Asia/Ashgabat | Tue 07:42 |
Local time in Niger | Africa/Niamey | Tue 03:42 |
Local time in Guinea | Africa/Conakry | Tue 02:42 |