Local Time in Presidente Sarney

Local Time in Presidente Sarney, Maranhão, Brazil 🇧🇷   Saturday, 29 June 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country Brazil 🇧🇷
City Maranhão
Time Zone America/Fortaleza
Time Zone Name Brasília Time
Abbreviation BRT
GMT UTC-03:00
GMT Offset -10800

What time is it in Presidente Sarney, Maranhão, Brazil right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Presidente Sarney, which includes the day of the week and date. Presidente Sarney, Brazil, is situated in the UTC-03:00 (America/Fortaleza) time zone, making it 3 hours back of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT-03. The current local time in Presidente Sarney is 01:55, Saturday, 29 June, 2024.

Presidente Sarney Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Presidente Sarney

Sunrise 06:05
Sunset 18:05
Day Lenght 12:00

Presidente Sarney, Brazil Daylight Saving Time

Time Difference Presidente Sarney to Major World Cities

Brazil, Presidente Sarney Geolocation Data

Region Americas
Subregion South America
Country Brazil 🇧🇷
Capital City Brasilia
Latitude -2.62072000
Longitude -45.43931000
UTM Coordinate X 451166.10257335
UTM Coordinate Y 9710321.1095176
Coordinates North -2° 37' 14.592" N
Coordinates East -45° 26' 21.516" E
Presidente Sarney Map
Presidente Sarney Map

Major cities in the vicinity of Presidente Sarney (Maranhão)

Current local times in Brazil states
State Type Time
RR Local time in Roraima N/A Sat 00:55
RJ Local time in Rio de Janeiro N/A Sat 01:55
PI Local time in Piauí N/A Sat 01:55
AM Local time in Amazonas N/A Sat 00:55
PE Local time in Pernambuco N/A Sat 01:55
AL Local time in Alagoas N/A Sat 01:55
BA Local time in Bahia N/A Sat 01:55
SE Local time in Sergipe N/A Sat 01:55
MT Local time in Mato Grosso N/A Sat 00:55
SC Local time in Santa Catarina N/A Sat 01:55
Presidente Sarney to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in Mozambique Africa/Maputo Sat 06:55
Local time in Albania Europe/Tirane Sat 06:55
Local time in Tanzania Africa/Dar_es_Salaam Sat 07:55
Local time in New Zealand Pacific/Auckland Sat 16:55
Local time in Jordan Asia/Amman Sat 07:55
Local time in Sweden Europe/Stockholm Sat 06:55
Local time in Eritrea Africa/Asmara Sat 07:55
Local time in Chile America/Santiago Sat 00:55
Local time in Croatia Europe/Zagreb Sat 06:55
Local time in Gibraltar Europe/Gibraltar Sat 06:55