Local Time in Conceição do Lago-Açu

Local Time in Conceição do Lago-Açu, Maranhão, Brazil 🇧🇷   Saturday, 29 June 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country Brazil 🇧🇷
City Maranhão
Time Zone America/Fortaleza
Time Zone Name Brasília Time
Abbreviation BRT
GMT UTC-03:00
GMT Offset -10800

What time is it in Conceição do Lago-Açu, Maranhão, Brazil right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Conceição do Lago-Açu, which includes the day of the week and date. Conceição do Lago-Açu, Brazil, is situated in the UTC-03:00 (America/Fortaleza) time zone, making it 3 hours back of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT-03. The current local time in Conceição do Lago-Açu is 01:17, Saturday, 29 June, 2024.

Conceição do Lago-Açu Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Conceição do Lago-Açu

Sunrise 06:04
Sunset 18:01
Day Lenght 11:56

Conceição do Lago-Açu, Brazil Daylight Saving Time

Time Difference Conceição do Lago-Açu to Major World Cities

Brazil, Conceição do Lago-Açu Geolocation Data

Region Americas
Subregion South America
Country Brazil 🇧🇷
Capital City Brasilia
Latitude -3.73591000
Longitude -44.79669000
UTM Coordinate X 522575.60576755
UTM Coordinate Y 9587061.21419
Coordinates North -3° 44' 9.276" N
Coordinates East -44° 47' 48.084" E
Conceição do Lago-Açu Map
Conceição do Lago-Açu Map

Major cities in the vicinity of Conceição do Lago-Açu (Maranhão)

Current local times in Brazil states
State Type Time
RR Local time in Roraima N/A Sat 00:17
PE Local time in Pernambuco N/A Sat 01:17
BA Local time in Bahia N/A Sat 01:17
PA Local time in Pará N/A Sat 01:17
MG Local time in Minas Gerais N/A Sat 01:17
RO Local time in Rondônia N/A Sat 00:17
AP Local time in Amapá N/A Sat 01:17
GO Local time in Goiás N/A Sat 00:17
CE Local time in Ceará N/A Sat 01:17
MT Local time in Mato Grosso N/A Sat 00:17
Conceição do Lago-Açu to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in Czech Republic Europe/Prague Sat 06:17
Local time in Mali Africa/Bamako Sat 04:17
Local time in Iraq Asia/Baghdad Sat 07:17
Local time in Vatican City Europe/Vatican Sat 06:17
Local time in British Indian Ocean Territory Indian/Chagos Sat 10:17
Local time in Equatorial Guinea Africa/Malabo Sat 05:17
Local time in Algeria Africa/Algiers Sat 05:17
Local time in North Korea Asia/Pyongyang Sat 13:17
Local time in Syria Asia/Damascus Sat 07:17
Local time in Tanzania Africa/Dar_es_Salaam Sat 07:17