Local Time in Quatre Bornes

Local Time in Quatre Bornes, Mauritius 🇲🇺   Tuesday, 15 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country Mauritius 🇲🇺
City Quatre Bornes
Time Zone Indian/Mauritius
Time Zone Name Mauritius Time
Abbreviation MUT
GMT UTC+04:00
GMT Offset 14400

What time is it in Quatre Bornes, Mauritius right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Quatre Bornes, which includes the day of the week and date. Quatre Bornes, Mauritius, is situated in the UTC+04:00 (Indian/Mauritius) time zone, making it 4 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+04. The current local time in Quatre Bornes is 08:01, Tuesday, 15 October, 2024.

Quatre Bornes Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Quatre Bornes

Sunrise 05:37
Sunset 18:13
Day Lenght 12:35

Quatre Bornes, Mauritius Daylight Saving Time

Time Difference Quatre Bornes to Major World Cities

Mauritius, Quatre Bornes Geolocation Data

Region Africa
Subregion Eastern Africa
Country Mauritius 🇲🇺
Capital City Port Louis
Latitude -20.26747180
Longitude 57.47969810
UTM Coordinate X 550094.0771068
UTM Coordinate Y 7758847.1709807
Coordinates North -20° 16' 2.898" N
Coordinates East 57° 28' 46.913" E
Quatre Bornes Map
Quatre Bornes Map
Current Local Time in Locations in Quatre Bornes
City Time
State not found! N/A
Other States in Mauritius 🇲🇺
State Type Time
CC Local time in Cargados Carajos N/A Tuesday 08:01
GP Local time in Grand Port District N/A Tuesday 08:01
PA Local time in Pamplemousses District N/A Tuesday 08:01
PU Local time in Port Louis N/A Tuesday 08:01
VP Local time in Vacoas-Phoenix N/A Tuesday 08:01
CU Local time in Curepipe N/A Tuesday 08:01
FL Local time in Flacq District N/A Tuesday 08:01
BL Local time in Rivière Noire District N/A Tuesday 08:01
RO Local time in Rodrigues N/A Tuesday 08:01
MO Local time in Moka District N/A Tuesday 08:01
Quatre Bornes to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in Western Sahara Africa/El_Aaiun Tue 05:01
Local time in Svalbard and Jan Mayen Arctic/Longyearbyen Tue 06:01
Local time in Tonga Pacific/Tongatapu Tue 17:01
Local time in Netherlands Europe/Amsterdam Tue 06:01
Local time in Brunei Asia/Brunei Tue 12:01
Local time in Egypt Africa/Cairo Tue 07:01
Local time in San Marino Europe/San_Marino Tue 06:01
Local time in Tokelau Pacific/Fakaofo Tue 17:01
Local time in United Arab Emirates Asia/Dubai Tue 08:01
Local time in Saint Pierre and Miquelon America/Miquelon Tue 02:01