Local Time in Mineral Heights

Local Time in Mineral Heights, Clarendon Parish, Jamaica 🇯🇲   Wednesday, 01 May 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country Jamaica 🇯🇲
City Clarendon Parish
Time Zone America/Jamaica
Time Zone Name Eastern Standard Time (North America
Abbreviation EST
GMT UTC-05:00
GMT Offset -18000

What time is it in Mineral Heights, Clarendon Parish, Jamaica right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Mineral Heights, which includes the day of the week and date. Mineral Heights, Jamaica, is situated in the UTC-05:00 (America/Jamaica) time zone, making it 5 hours back of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT-05. The current local time in Mineral Heights is 14:41, Wednesday, 01 May, 2024.

Mineral Heights Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Mineral Heights

Sunrise 05:40
Sunset 18:31
Day Lenght 12:50

Mineral Heights, Jamaica Daylight Saving Time

Time Difference Mineral Heights to Major World Cities

Jamaica, Mineral Heights Geolocation Data

Region Americas
Subregion Caribbean
Country Jamaica 🇯🇲
Capital City Kingston
Latitude 17.94183000
Longitude -77.23276000
UTM Coordinate X 263507.96927364
UTM Coordinate Y 1985169.8492085
Coordinates North 17° 56' 30.588" N
Coordinates East -77° 13' 57.936" E
Mineral Heights Map
Mineral Heights Map

Major cities in the vicinity of Mineral Heights (Clarendon Parish)

Current local times in Jamaica states
State Type Time
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03 Local time in Saint Thomas Parish State Wednesday 14:41
14 Local time in Saint Catherine Parish State Wednesday 14:41
04 Local time in Portland Parish State Wednesday 14:41
02 Local time in Saint Andrew State Wednesday 14:41
07 Local time in Trelawny Parish State Wednesday 14:41
01 Local time in Kingston Parish State Wednesday 14:41
10 Local time in Westmoreland Parish State Wednesday 14:41
08 Local time in Saint James Parish State Wednesday 14:41
09 Local time in Hanover Parish State Wednesday 14:41
Mineral Heights to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
Local time in Democratic Republic of the Congo Africa/Kinshasa Wed 20:41
Local time in Indonesia Asia/Jakarta Thu 02:41
Local time in Réunion Indian/Reunion Wed 23:41
Local time in Guatemala America/Guatemala Wed 13:41
Local time in Benin Africa/Porto-Novo Wed 20:41
Local time in Vanuatu Pacific/Efate Thu 06:41
Local time in Bolivia America/La_Paz Wed 15:41
Local time in Sierra Leone Africa/Freetown Wed 19:41
Local time in Equatorial Guinea Africa/Malabo Wed 20:41
Local time in Serbia Europe/Belgrade Wed 21:41