Local Time in Pursat
Country | Cambodia 🇰🇭 |
City | Pursat |
Time Zone | Asia/Phnom_Penh |
Time Zone Name | Indochina Time |
Abbreviation | ICT |
GMT | UTC+07:00 |
GMT Offset | 25200 |
What time is it in Pursat, Cambodia right now?
Stay updated with the current local time in Pursat, which includes the day of the week and date. Pursat, Cambodia, is situated in the UTC+07:00 (Asia/Phnom_Penh) time zone, making it 7 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+07. The current local time in Pursat is 09:53, Tuesday, 15 October, 2024.
Pursat Time Widget
Sunrise, sunset times for Pursat
Sunrise 05:53
Sunset 17:47
Day Lenght 11:53
Pursat, Cambodia Daylight Saving Time
Time Difference Pursat to Major World Cities
- Los Angeles US19:53 (-14h)
- New York US22:53 (-11h)
- London GB03:53 (-6h)
- Paris FR04:53 (-5h)
- Istanbul TR05:53 (-4h)
- New Delhi IN08:23 (-1.5h)
- Shanghai CN10:53 (+1h)
- Moscow RU05:53 (-4h)
- Tokyo JP11:53 (+2h)
- Sydney AU13:53 (+4h)
Cambodia, Pursat Geolocation Data
Region | Asia |
Subregion | South-Eastern Asia |
Country | Cambodia 🇰🇭 |
Capital City | Phnom Penh |
Latitude | 12.27209560 |
Longitude | 103.72891670 |
UTM Coordinate X | 361760.97322498 |
UTM Coordinate Y | 1356967.6961444 |
Coordinates North | 12° 16' 19.544" N |
Coordinates East | 103° 43' 44.1" E |
Current Local Time in Locations in Pursat
District | Time |
Local time in Bakan | Tuesday 09:53 |
Local time in Krakor | Tuesday 09:53 |
Local time in Sampov Meas | Tuesday 09:53 |
Local time in Srŏk Kândiĕng | Tuesday 09:53 |
Local time in Srŏk Véal Vêng | Tuesday 09:53 |
Other Cities in Cambodia 🇰🇭
№ | City | Type | Time |
12 | Local time in Phnom Penh | Autonomous municipality | Tuesday 09:53 |
22 | Local time in Oddar Meanchey | Province | Tuesday 09:53 |
8 | Local time in Kandal | Province | Tuesday 09:53 |
4 | Local time in Kampong Chhnang | Province | Tuesday 09:53 |
6 | Local time in Kampong Thom | Province | Tuesday 09:53 |
10 | Local time in Kratie | Province | Tuesday 09:53 |
7 | Local time in Kampot | Province | Tuesday 09:53 |
14 | Local time in Prey Veng | Province | Tuesday 09:53 |
2 | Local time in Battambang | Province | Tuesday 09:53 |
11 | Local time in Mondulkiri | Province | Tuesday 09:53 |
Pursat to Other Countries
Country | Timezone | Time |
Local time in Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Arctic/Longyearbyen | Tue 04:53 |
Local time in Israel | Asia/Jerusalem | Tue 05:53 |
Local time in Ecuador | America/Guayaquil | Mon 21:53 |
Local time in Germany | Europe/Berlin | Tue 04:53 |
Local time in Romania | Europe/Bucharest | Tue 05:53 |
Local time in Moldova | Europe/Chisinau | Tue 05:53 |
Local time in Pakistan | Asia/Karachi | Tue 07:53 |
Local time in Tokelau | Pacific/Fakaofo | Tue 15:53 |
Local time in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Europe/Sarajevo | Tue 04:53 |
Local time in Sierra Leone | Africa/Freetown | Tue 02:53 |