Local Time in Zaire Province

Local Time in Zaire Province, Angola 🇦🇴   Thursday, 10 October 2024 ♥ GET WIDGET
Country Angola 🇦🇴
City Zaire Province
Time Zone Africa/Luanda
Time Zone Name West Africa Time
Abbreviation WAT
GMT UTC+01:00
GMT Offset 3600

What time is it in Zaire Province, Angola right now?

Stay updated with the current local time in Zaire Province, which includes the day of the week and date. Zaire Province, Angola, is situated in the UTC+01:00 (Africa/Luanda) time zone, making it 1 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference from Greenwich Mean Time is: GMT+01. The current local time in Zaire Province is 03:08, Thursday, 10 October, 2024.

Zaire Province Time Widget

Sunrise, sunset times for Zaire Province

Sunrise 05:46
Sunset 18:01
Day Lenght 12:15

Zaire Province, Angola Daylight Saving Time

Time Difference Zaire Province to Major World Cities

Angola, Zaire Province Geolocation Data

Region Africa
Subregion Middle Africa
Country Angola 🇦🇴
Capital City Luanda
Latitude -6.57334580
Longitude 13.17403480
UTM Coordinate X 298109.13673097
UTM Coordinate Y 9273047.4935923
Coordinates North -6° 34' 24.045" N
Coordinates East 13° 10' 26.525" E
Zaire Province Map
Zaire Province Map
Current Local Time in Locations in Zaire Province
City Time
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Other States in Angola 🇦🇴
State Type Time
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CCU Local time in Cuando Cubango Province N/A Thursday 03:08
MOX Local time in Moxico Province N/A Thursday 03:08
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UIG Local time in Uíge Province N/A Thursday 03:08
BGU Local time in Benguela Province N/A Thursday 03:08
BIE Local time in Bié Province N/A Thursday 03:08
CUS Local time in Cuanza Sul N/A Thursday 03:08
CAB Local time in Cabinda Province N/A Thursday 03:08
LSU Local time in Lunda Sul Province N/A Thursday 03:08
Zaire Province to Other Countries
Country Timezone Time
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Local time in Croatia Europe/Zagreb Thu 04:08
Local time in Denmark Europe/Copenhagen Thu 04:08
Local time in Curaçao America/Curacao Wed 22:08
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